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Virtual Teams: Remote Team Management & Leadership

Remote working has become a fundamental part of how businesses operate today, but managing teams remotely poses a number of hurdles. This course will help you to get the best work out of your virtual team, show you strategies on how to keep them motivated, enthusiastic and feeling heard while retaining control of productivity. This course is not about the tech, it’s about the people, and how you can be an inspirational leader to a team that could be spread all over the country or even all over the world.


Everyone deals with remote working differently and negative emotions can creep in when the personal relationships and banter of office life are absent. If your remote team is feeling unmotivated, insecure or undervalued, this structured, practical course will help you to level-up your management skills by enabling you to create a positive remote working environment and help your team members to achieve their best.


This course provides you with practical tools and techniques to help you unlock the potential in your virtual teams. Managing remote teams is less forgiving than normal management. Anything you neglect now, will have stronger effects more quickly than if you were all working in the same room. From deciding how much freedom team members should have over decision making, to ways of motivating different personality types, this course will help you adapt your management style to get the most out of your remote team.

Featuring tried-and-tested leadership theories, such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which I have adapted and modernised to suit the management of a remote team, this course also includes brand new theories which you won’t find anywhere else. This course will help you to ensure that your team feels connected, valued and therefore, motivated, when you are working outside the office.


By the time you finish this course, you’ll have a clear understanding of what it takes to be a successful leader of a virtual team that could be spread across the country, or even the world. As well as exploring effective delegation, managing different personality types and how much freedom to give your team, you’ll also gain the ability to make people feel secure, valued, self-fulfilled and that they really belong. By following these steps, you’ll find yourself with a remote team that is highly motivated and exceptionally productive.


The course overview includes:

  • Practical tools and techniques for managing a remote team

  • How to delegate effectively

  • Tools to help you motivate different personality types

  • Choosing the level of freedom to give to each team member

  • Find it easy to progress your team members to achieve their best

  • Learn how to avoid tribalism

  • How to implement Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to motivate your virtual team

  • Adapt your management style to suit working over Zoom

  • Overcome issues with team members feeling insecure, undervalued and unmotivated

  • And as always, it’s 100% practical, and with no technical jargon!

  • If you are ready to level-up your leadership and get the best out of your remote team this course is for you!

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